Thursday, July 07, 2011

Casey Anthony is INNOCENT!

Ha. I bet you clicked on this blog, because you thought it was going to be another rant about how Casey got off without any punishment for killing her daughter. Well, you're wrong. While I do believe Casey may have been "involved" with her daughter's death, we have to face the fact that the jurors are right: She may be a pathological liar, but there really was no solid proof that she killed her daughter. If being a pathological liar makes you a murderer, I can think of quite a few people who would have fried in the Ole' Yellow Mama at Holman by now.
Some idiot actually launched a facebook group called, "Boycott Casey Anthony." Really? Dude, exactly what satisfaction are you going to get by spending all of your time in front of the computer to see how many "Likes" your page has gotten? And who are you going to tell that will care in a month? I mean really... "Hey, you remember five months ago when Casey Anthony was found innocent? Well, I started a facebook page to boycott her and I got 100000 'likes'." And then he's going to realize that no one really cares. Hey, that could be next week and no one will care. One lady spent over $3000 on hotels and spent over 100 hours in line to see the trial. It is people like that who probably never give a dime to charity or to help other people. If you will waste $3000 on hotel rooms to watch a young girl going through the worst time in her life (no matter what the verdict is), you have to be totally self absorbed... How many homeless shelters did you pass on the way there? And exactly what do you have to show for it now, except your hotel bill or maybe the room key? Wow, you WIN!

For the Christians out there (myself included):
                 We are continuously taught that God does not make mistakes. And I can honestly say that I prayed and asked God to be with each juror and to guide each one to make the decision and that it would made be according to God's will. And when I pray, I do not sit back and wait for God to answer my prayers. No, when I pray I say "Amen," and my faith allows me to believe that my prayer is already answered. That is how faith works. That's how mine works anyway.... I believe that God will answer my prayers according to his will as long as I have pure motives. So you know what? I know without a doubt that even if none of the people who are having a fit about the verdict, even if none of the people that stood in line for hours to be nosy in that courtroom, and even if everyone else forgot to pray for the jurors, you can relax, because I took care of that for you. God was with each juror, because I asked Him to be, therefore the verdict was as it was and the entire trial, death, and aftermath is in God's hands.

We as Christians always believe that God does not make mistakes, so are you saying that He made one now? I disagree completely. I believe everyone can pull back in their busybody nosy horns, and remember that everything happens, because God has a plan for the long haul. And God doesn't have to tell you the plan for that situation, and He doesn't have to tell me, and He doesn't have to tell Casey. Either way, I'm satisfied with the verdict, because I believe God has a plan for the entire situation, and if we sit back and watch, we may just get to see what that plan is. If a couple of you would have sat back for OJ Simpson's verdict, then you would have seen that in about a decade he would be dumb enough to commit another crime, one that he wouldn't get out of easily. God took care of him too!

So relax, forget about Casey Anthony. I pray that none of us ever find outselves in a situation where we seem guilty of a crime to the world. Can you imagine what you would feel like if in 3 years her real killer was found and Casey had been blamed this whole time. I can't imagine what it is like to endure three years of jail time and public humiliation only to be found innocent, only to still be hated by most of my country. Thr jury has decided. The judge has spoken. The trial is over. Let it go.  Trust that God has his hand over the situation. And sometimes, God doesn't always do what we want Him to. But He always makes the right choice. That's just one of the reasons a relationship with God is so beautiful. Keep that in mind.

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