Friday, August 12, 2011

"Color Me America" and the Pledge of Allegiance... UNDER GOD!

Hey guys! I'm feeling a little patriotic tonight. I have had a hard time focusing on designing my orders lately, because I get distracted so easily. Unfortunately, a good bit of my work is done online, returning e-mails, blogging, adding new items to facebook and etsy, you get the picture. As a result, all it takes is one google search for "Craft Ideas" and I'm lost for hours.

As a remedy, I tried a new approach today: My computer was off limits during my "Design Time" and I pulled out my old C.D.'s and listened to music as I completed my work projects. I actually accomplished more today in one day than I usually do in a week.

So why do I feel patriotic? Well, there is a song that I love more and more each time I hear it. The song is sung by one of my favorite little fireballs, Mrs. Dolly Parton herself. The name of the song is, "Color Me America." and I probably listened to it 20 times today. I LOVE this song, because I can "feel" the power in her voice, and when I hear it, I can't help but feel truly GRATEFUL AND PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! The power she brings in her voice during that song can only be a gift from God.

Here is the link to the song. Pay attention to the video, and see how graceful the eagle flies. It will make you want to stand up, hand over your heart, and humbly feel gratefulness for anyone who has ever fought for our country. Watch the timer, and get ready for about the 2:14 minute mark... I get chills over and over every time this part of the song plays. Don't forget to come back to this entry after you watch the video!

So, how did you like it? LOVE it right? How could you not? You know, I remember when we used to stand to say the pledge of allegiance in school, and we never really gave it much thought. I actually remember having a teacher that would discipline the kids that didn't stand to say it. And back then, the kids didn't stay seated, because they didn't believe in saying the pledge. No, they didn't stand, because they were either too preoccupied with what they were doing, they weren't paying attention, or they were just plain lazy.

See, the thing I don't understand is this: There are people who don't want to say the pledge of allegiance. There are people who don't want to say "One Nation Under God." What are the going to put in the place of "God?"
         "One nation, under the sky, indivisible, ..."
That just sounds dumb. I have to admit that I don't want to say a pledge that says, "One nation, under the Prophet Muhammad, indivisible,...." But you know what? I don't want to say that, so I don't live in Saudi Arabia. Hint Hint...

Our country was formed by God, and we are truly living our lives under God. That is what I believe, and I am a Christian. And our principles, rules, pledges, etc, were all written by people who have the same beliefs. Majority rules, so if you don't want to live under those principles, go live in another country where you don't even have the choice to practice what religion you want, because you are not FREE to do so. See how you like that wonderful lifestyle. At least here you have a choice of whether or not you want to say the Pledge of Allegiance or not. Even if you choose not to say it, no one's going to behead you or stone your mother in law just because you are noncompliant. In the United States, the only consequence you will receive is isolation or being shunned by people who do believe in God, and that's most likely not going to happen either.

Bottom line: If you don't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, or say, "One Nation Under God." or even if you want to add someone else in that line, most other citizens of the United States are secure enough in their faith and their country to not be skittish around you. We know what WE believe, and our belief was here first. No bumps or bruises for you. But don't worry, all of the people who believe in God, Jesus, Christianity, etc... We've been praying for you for a while, and we're not about to stop now. And we're going to keep saying the pledge of Allegiance. We're going to belt out, "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" at the top of our lungs, because we are free to do so. FREE. Remember that.

One last point to make: You may think that by taking God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and by taking prayer out of schools that you are dealing with other people, humans, about this issue, but you are wrong. When an issue comes up as HUGE as these, God protects His children by taking this burden from our grip and taking total control over the situation. I don't know about your god, but my God is dangerously powerful, and sometimes He protects and carries me over such huge hurdles that I often feel like I'm flying. Even as a believer, a Christian, and a child of God, I could never imagine what the power of God could and will accomplish with those who defy Him... I'd be a little scared of I were you.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Housewives and Vintage Nonsense...

Hello Ladies! (If you are a Man, particularly a Husband, and most importantly, if you are married to a Housewife... Read With Caution...)

I have been thinking a lot lately about what I would call my current occupational status. I went to the doctor last week, and I was caught off guard when I reached the section in the MOUND of paperwork they give new patients to fill out that said asked "Occupation."  I was already 5 minutes late because I went to the wrong doctors office prior to my appointment, so hastily wrote "N/A" (meaning "Not Applicable" for the readers who get abbreviation-ishly confused easily) and went on to the next section.

I was transferred from the main waiting room area to a smaller waiting room just inside one of the main room doors. I guess they figure if they switch up the rooms where patients have to wait for the doctor to quit moseying around, then maybe the patients will be "tricked" into thinking they had to wait less time. I think that's a pretty good idea, because then I just have a whole new room with new magazines to secretly tear design ideas from. As long as they have something other than Sports Illustrated or Hallmart for kids, I could wait for hours. But in this little room, my mind began to drift back to the "Occupation" dilemma...

First, THE MAGAZINES:  At least I haven't graduated to my mother's level yet: You can bet that every single time she goes to a doctors office, she will find an "amazing article" or some kind of "beautifully decorated house that Nanny just HAS to see." I have to give her credit though, she doesn't tear two pages out and run. No, my mother very sweetly asks the nurse if she can "possibly have the magazine," because she found a wonderful article that her mother-in-law just HAS to see... And you and I both know that any nurse in a PriMed or General Practictioner's office could care less what you take home from your visit as long as you don't interfere with their lunch time or throw up in the floor. And I'm not complaining either, because I can usually swipe a few good magazines from my mom's house when I visit as well. (When I finally realized that we had the same magazines, I just stopped buying mine and waited for hers to arrive in the mail. I'm not a big magazine buyer anyway, but I could read them for hours when I do get my hands on one...)

Ok, so I am completely off my original subject, which isn't altogether surprising, because I seem to start that trend with each new entry.

This entry is "supposed to" be about housewives. My "Occupation" question has forced me to re-evaluate my status. What do you think of when you hear the word "Housewife?" Do you think of this type of woman?

Or maybe the word "Housewife" conjures up an image like this:

Mrs. Faith Hill, Stepford Wife in the flesh...

To read more about how to be the Purrrrfect Stepford Wife, click on the link below.

Personally, when I think of the word "Housewife," this is who I see:

Due to the fact that now I am"technically" a Housewife and my current Victoria Beckham Fascination/Obsession, THIS is who I would LOVE the MODERN housewife to look, dress, and "groom" like...

She is technically a "Housewife," right? If you say that she isn't, then tell me, what in the world does she do? After Google-Stalking her for weeks, the only stress I detect in her life stems from the damage that her FABULOUSLY enormous handbags do to her back. You have to give her credit though; I mean, at least SHE carries her purse and she doesn't make one of her new THREE nannies carry it for her... HELLO! The Beckham's are only shelling out $500,000 this year on childcare, so do you really expect the nannies to watch the new baby sleep AND carry Victoria's purse? Sheesh.. get real.

Love Victoria, Hate Victoria, whatever... But, you have to admit that she has awesome style. And even if she continues her current Wifely trend of not doing anything all day, she will always have the ability to make me drool when I see her jealousy inducing hair and accessories.


I make earrings. I paint and "upcycle" old vintage items and furniture and make modern decor. I now do these things to earn money, but unfortunately, I have to work from home. Does that make me an official "Designer," or do I have to sell a certain quantity of items to qualify for that position. It just sounds wierd to think of myself as a real Designer. When I think of a "Designer," I picture the movie, The Devil Wears Prada. But, I don't even know what items are "Prada." And I'm learning that it's ok to be a little clueless in the designer world.

Truth is, I DO design jewelry. They are my personal designs. I picked out the beads, the hardware, and made my own unique style. So, am I a jewelry designer? I think I just might be a Housewife Designer.

I've had a rough time making the transition from working 40 hours a week in Forensics to being home full time. I just can't wrap my  mind around it. I think it's harder, because I worked with Scott, so he still comes home with the same silly stories about the same people. I have to say that I do enjoy being home more though. I miss the interaction with people face to face, but I enjoy my peaceful house.

The only thing I really struggle with is saying that what I do is "work." And honestly, I think I put in many more hours each week to my crafts and jewelry than I ever did working in Forensics. As usual, when you work from home, it's easy to sit up at night finishing what you neglected during the day. Which brings me to the average 1950's housewife.

Sometimes when my husband walks in the door I am covered from head to toe in paint or he has to pick silver beads out from between his toes as he wades through the craft materials in the den. I just asked him to pick up some mod podge on his way home, and he asked, "Gloss or matte?" (See, ladies? I trained him well, huh?)

Sometimes, I feel like a little kid bringing home the pages I colored from school, because when Scott walks in the door he HAS to look at what I made at work that day. And he HAS to have a big exaggerated reaction to my creation. Just like a preschooler. Izzy, Evan, and I go elbow to elbow as we compete for Scott's "Artistic Attention." Ask Izzy what she wants to be when she grows up? A DESIGNER! And you know what? She's mighty good at creating just about anything!

I cannot imagine what it would have been like to live in the 1950's as a housewife. I would have to be shaved, showered, groomed, dressed,  accessorized and meet my husband with a big smiling face at the door each day. If I did that, Scott would check my temperature...

Yea, that just wouldn't have agreed with me very well. I'm more likely to stack up the pots and pans from the dinner HE cooked the night before and set them sarcastically on the front porch. Yes I'd greet him with a smile alright, a big mischevious fake grin with gritted teeth. Sure I clean the bathrooms, but in 1950, the housewives cleaned them every single day. I don't even go to the bathroom enough to warrant cleaning the toilet everyday.

The one thing I do agree with from the old golden days is their approach to grooming. Like I said, I may be covered in paint or look like I've been out hauling cattle most of the day, but most of the time I shower and put on some decent clothes before he walks through the door. Notice that I said "decent," not "matching." Hey, you can't have everything you want!

I'll find my housewife niche sooner or later (probably later at the rate I'm going), but I think I'm going to reinvent the modern housewife to suit a crafty, artsy, clean smelling idea... Let's just want and see about that.