Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kim Kardashian Flour Bombed... Impressive.

I don't usually randomly post about celebrities, but I just had to pick at this one!

Did you hear that Kim Kardashian was "Flour-Bombed"? Literally, some idiot protester threw a bag of flour at Kim while she was walking down the red carpet to a West Hollywood Launch Party to promote her new perfume. According to, the woman responsible "detained by police" for something like assault and battery for the "unwanted physical contact" and later released because... GET THIS: Kim Kardashian is NOT going to press charges! Does that strike anyone as odd besides me? (I'm still wondering how this crazy lady got close enough to Kim Kardashian AND to the red carpet in general to even think about throwing flour at someone. It's not like it sails through the air easily... I guess security isn't all that secure everywhere.)

First of all, I would expect Kim to press the MAX charges to raise her celebrity status just a hair higher. Remember, we're talking about one of the most DRAMATIC stars in Hollywood, and she didn't just get Punk'd on her way to get her hair done. She was FLOUR BOMBED, in front of HUNDREDS, in an act that would soon be shared with the entire world. I would have thought Kim would have done her fake-crying bit, "accidently leaking" reports for the next few weeks about how traumatized she was from the incident and how her family is trying to recover from such devastation through therapy, yoga, and twitter.

Sometimes when I'm mentally thinking back on high school memories, I'll think, "I'm so glad I didn't do something completely humiliating in front of everyone and I somehow managed to go four whole years relatively free of bad memories." (I shudder when I read how bullying has exploded with the internet and web interaction... horrible. Anyway, this little "Flour Bomb" incident would rank up top on my list of "Things That Would Make Me Freak Out" on someone.

Second, I have to give Kim props for keeping her cool and coming up with some comment like, "Like I said to my make up artist, I wanted more powder!" 

You know how earlier I called Kardashian dramatic? Well, you haven't seen dramatic until you see what I would do if this happened to me. I would have looked absolutely psychotic, because I know without a doubt that I wouldn't immediately think, "Oh, no big deal... It's just a little flour" but more like, "AAAARRRRrrrhggghhh, (SHRIEK), I've been COCAINE bombed."

A bit DRAMATIC... maybe, but you have to admit, it DOES look a little like what they use as cocaine in the movies. Would I be naive enough to truly think come coke dealer had just wasted a million $$$ bucks to cover me with gobs of cocaine just for the heck of it? Absolutely, because I wouldn't be thinking about the street value of cocaine at the time. I'd be freaking out trying to get the "drugs" out of my hair and off my skin before it miraculously seeped into my bloodstream and I overdosed or something.

Kim was calmly ushered inside so her mom could help her "brush off her jacket" and "flip her hair" to shake the flour out. I would look like someone who had a zillion wasps trapped underneath my clothes, moving all around, flopping and wigging out. I'm sure the paparazzi could get in a few priceless photos before someone realized that I thought I was covered in cocaine and they managed to calm me down enough to let me know that it was just a little Martha White not 5 pounds of Aunt Nora (yes, I had to google the "Street Name Of Cocaine" to find a similar slang word to go with the flour name. Again... I'm not up on my drug lingo.)

All in all... Kim K, you're a better trooper than I would be. I guess you're not as much of an idiot as Jon Hamm thinks you are. "Knowing the difference between flour and cocaine... You get an A+ in Narcotics Trivia. (Here's a quick video of the news report...KimK Flour Video.)

I'm sorry, but I just had to add this picture. Is anyone else surprised that they use such a dinky vacuum cleaner on the red carpet? I mean, I know they weren't expecting cooking ingredients to be scattered around, but I guess I would've thought they would have something a little less, I don't know, 1990's to maintain the shag. Bissell. Wal-mart. Look It Up.

UPDATE: I was just about to post this when I read another article about how Kim "is considering" pressing charges to let people know that this will not be tolerated and is unacceptable. I don't want to have to go re-write the above info, especially when no one really knows if she will or if she won't. Either way, Kim K got flour bombed (Now thought possibly to be related to PETA. Hmm...)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Change In My Life and Blogging Style

Until now, I usually write my blogs by writing what comes to my mind when I have my blog entry page pulled up. As a result, most of my blogs are random and stray quite a bit from the topic I originally held in my head when I started writing that entry. I've been surprised by how many readers I've gathered over the past year, and I hope the numbers continue to climb as I write from my heart. You need to know the true life this crazy girl lives... even if it's crazy in my own way!

When the new year started a few months ago, I wrote about how I was ready to have a new start. I wanted to make changes to how I was living, taking care of myself, taking care of my family, my job as a wife, and just my outlook on life in general. I was ready to have my old self back and regain some form of dependability again. Fortunately, I can say that I have almost done a complete 180 and I have really stuck to my goal to change. As a result, I'm learning new ways to adapt to MS and I'm also regaining control over my life. After pretty much living in a deep and devastating depression for almost one whole year, I'm thankful to say that I'm climbing out of that hole now. And it is so relieving!

Well, now Spring has almost Sprung, it's time for the famous "Spring Cleaning!" This year, I want to continue my "New Start" plan and incorporate this outlook into my Spring Cleaning. I guess you could call it Personal Cleaning instead of physical cleaning, although I do plan on actually putting a mega cleaning spree on my house as well.

The first goal for my personal spring cleaning is to continue to work toward more organization in my life. I've worked my butt off to get my house more organized as we moved, and I've tried to keep everything mostly in place everyday. This may seem like a tiny step, but when you let everything go for almost an entire year, it is really difficult to try to regain control and set new standards. Now I want to gain a better control over my Make Up and Mud Boutique shop.

Better control as in more organized records, inventory, faster shipping, consistent schedule, etc. I want to set goals for my shop and make myself stick to them. I know that I can work even harder to build a better client list, and I can accurately track my progress. As with any start for any goal or project, the beginning is hard because you don't see immediate progress. But if I have everything in line for 6 months, it would be much easier to track inventory and plan for holidays like the Christmas rush. So, being more organized with Make Up and Mud Boutique is on my list as well.

Last goal: more structured blogging. You know those bloggers that consistently post on their blogs, and you can count on their posts to be there by following their blog schedule. Yeah, I want to be one of those bloggers. I'm still trying to make my blog schedule, and I want my writing style to have a certain flexibility, so it's taking me a while to get it all straight. I don't want to have a blog schedule for a month, because I want to have posts about things that happen in the here and now, not the there and then. One thing... my life will be more structured, therefore my blog will be more structured.

I have a new blog notebook to help me keep up with my blog planning, and I'm excited to start that new journey. I always have the craziest thoughts and ideas, and I'll think, "That would be awesome to blog about!" and then I completely forget what I was even thinking about. Well, that's happened to me one too many times, and I now have a little notebook for jotting down ideas and notes. Then of course, they will go straight to you.

Beware... my random thoughts are crazy. They are unpredictable. But... they are honest. And I guess I'm at a point in my life where honestly is the most freeing quality in my life, even if it is on the web for all to see. There is something relieving about getting things off your chest, even if you do have anxiety right when you click the Publish button. In the end, it's worth it. So, stay tuned. Mrs. Organized is working her way toward productivity and as time passes, you'll see a change as well! Maybe someone will learn from my mistakes!

Friday, March 09, 2012

High School Memories and Kids!

As I was trying to figure out what to write for this morning's blog entry, a million different ideas kept popping into my head. Honestly, as I scrolled down the wall of my Facebook page and scanned across the posts of my friends (and the posts from those people who are my Facebook "Friends" but I have no clue who they are, but I saw them on so-and-so's friend list so obviously they're not a killer-- you know, Those Facebook Friends!) I realized for the millionth time that my life is so drastically different from so many of the people I graduated with or knew in High School.

And don't act like you know every single person on your friend list... you may have heard of them, but we all have people on out Facebook Friend list that we keep on there just because their status updates are so amusing.

 The other day, I was stalking profiles on Facebook (Yes, you do that too!) and I ran across this girl that I went to high school with. She was a few years older than me in school, so now she's not technically a "girl," more like a "woman" and wife now. Anyway, that's not the point. While I was browsing through her old photos, I ran across one that was taken in the past few weeks, and for some reason, I stopped and studied it for a minute or two. That's when I realized what my generation is now headed down that path to the big 30 and we are starting to morph out of that innocent stage to that "grown up" stage we've been chasing for so many years. Waiting until we were old enough to do this or old enough to do that. It's like we go through some kind of metamorphosis when we hit somewhere around 25 years of age that give a hint of what we will look like when we're 40 and turning into our parents. Some people don't look anything like their senior picture. It's kind of sad when you think of all of the time we've all wasted since high school. If you're like me, you will wish you could do it all over again and possibly change a few things or study a bit more. Maybe even drive a little better when you're handed that drivers license.

About that drivers license. I swore I would never say this, but I will anyway: I cannot believe anyone in the world would give a 16 year old a drivers license. I can't believe our parents actually let us drive alone at that age! There are so many dangers and hidden caution areas that come to any new driver and the only way to learn about any driving danger is to experience near-miss happenings and almost collisions. Basically, parents with a 16 year old have to cross their fingers and pray that their child comes home safe and makes wise decisions when they get behind the wheel. I'm sure my experience working with forensics and seeing some horrible car accidents that resulted in death don't help my view much, but I can't help it! I mean, I took drivers ed when I was in school too, but I was a junior. I was already 17. I had been driving alone for one year before I took the class. A whole lot of good that course did me.

On to the next topic:

I still haven't gotten over the fact that my friends are old enough to have children. What most teens don't realize is after you graduate from high school, you lose touch with so many of your "best" friends and buddies. As a result, the memory you leave with that person will be the one they put with you for the rest of your life. If you're a pothead during your senior year and six years later your old friends randomly see a picture of you holding your newborn, there's a good chance they're going to flash back to your old wild self and say a prayer that you found what it took to grow up somewhere between high school and parenthood. I can't tell you how many times I've looked at someone I graduated with and thought, "I cannot believe they're allowed to take care of a kid! What was God thinking?"

Then I have to remind myself that they are no longer that drunk senior I remember hanging out of a truck window, but now they are CPA's working his/her way up the business chain and a wonderful husband/wife. Funny how things and people change over so few years. I just wonder what people think of when they see my old face. My old skinny face. Right.

When I read the status updates on Facebook each day, I can hardly scroll to the bottom of the page without passing an ultrasound, baby bump, or baby shower picture. I lost count of how many of my friends are either having babies or just had one. It's a lot! There are so many babies that are going to be born this year between August and September, that I'm starting to believe there really was something in the Alabama water for a while there. As I said in one of my more recent status updates, I don't particularly like water, so I'm content on being Aunt Chelsea for a while.

Izzy and Evan come stay with us every other weekend, Wednesday nights are either spend the night or dinner nights with them, and they are with us almost half of the summer, half of spring break, and half of Christmas Holidays. After quite a bit of thought, we decided that it would be too crazy to have a Baby Belton right now, with all of the sports and activities the kiddos have every weekend. So, for now we're not jumping on that baby train. Maybe in a couple of years.

Well, that's all for today. I have quite a bit to do today, but I may write a little this weekend if I have some extra time. We have baseball starting on Saturday for Evan, so it's going to be a go go go weekend! Hopefully the weather will be pretty and fairly warm.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Children Living In Abandoned Bus: INFURIATING!

Usually when I write a new blog post, I try to be a little upbeat and leave the whiny-ness at the door. Or at least I try to keep it short and get to a more cheerful point to write about. Unfortunately, this post is a more controversial topic, and I'm quite angry as I write it.

I try to take news reports with a grain of salt. By doing that, I have to remember that most of the time the news has most of any popular story at least half wrong. I learned this while I was working for the Department of Forensics, and I can't believe how much stories can change from night to morning due to the media coverage. I know they're just posting stories they hear, but I wish there was some way to verify the facts for sure before some stories are published. In saying that, I'm trying to have an open mind about the story I'm about to share with you, but it's really hard to not see the whole picture. I'm praying that some new news will come out in the short future that will make this story seem a little less... pathetic.

In Splendora, Texas, two children, a girl age 11 and a boy age 5, have been discovered by authorities to have been living in an abandoned bus that was converted to a home. One of the bad points is that the kids have been living there since 2009!! Here is the story and information links, so you can see it for yourself. Make sure you watch the video and read the story, because they are both very informative. I'll write more about it after you watch.

Children Living In Abandoned Bus (VIDEO)

When I first read this story and watch the video showing the outside deplorable conditions, I immediately had a lot of questions that I'm sure law enforcement officials are still trying to figure out. One could say that the parents are lousy individuals due to the fact that they are in jail for embezzling money from Hurricane Katrina victims. Lousy "Individuals" yes, but does that make them bad parents? No. What makes them bad parents is the fact that they hopped off to jail and didn't alert officials that maybe their two kids at home needed to be taken care of. I find it absolutely horrible that the parents are warm, dry, and fed 3 meals a day  all the while knowing that their children are pretty much fending for themselves. How can you even sleep like that?

I commend the Great Aunt for providing food for the children and for working to try to support them, but I believe there comes a time when you have to admit that maybe there is a better place for the children to live while you work to secure a stable living environment for them. The children said they were home-schooled, but wouldn't it seem easier to send the kids to public school all day and know that they were warm and being supervised in a learning environment? And there was a neighbor that said the child told her daughter that she only showered twice a week. Where did she take a shower? And if the neighbor knew this, I wonder why she didn't alert the authorities before now about the conditions. I just know that if there was an abandoned school bus next door to my house and I knew that two little children were living there, running around without shoes, living with no adult structure or supervision, I would try my hardest to make sure those children were in a stable home ASAP. And I definitely wouldn't be on national television telling the police that I knew about the condition of the children and I did nothing about it. She admitted that she saw the kids running around outside at night with no shoes on...

I'm thankful for the person who secretly alerted authorities about this bus and these children, because at least now these children have a fighting chance of learning what the life of a child should be like. The 11 year old girl has so much responsibility for a child, caring for her younger sibling, and her years to be a little girl have been stripped from her. The filthy living conditions are probably the only place the younger child has ever knows, because the authorities believe the children have lived there since 2009, meaning the child was only 2 years old when he started living in the bus.

I just look at my own childhood, and I can't imagine how different my life might have been if I didn't have such a wonderful loving family to take care and raise me. They taught me about life to make me the woman that I am today, and that foundation is so essential in making sure I myself remember who I am. Who was going to teach these children what it is like to be a responsible adult? They're own parents didn't have that figured out. And talking in the here and now, who is going to teach them how to be children or help them learn how to have manners? Who is going to show them how you are supposed to treat someone that you love?

This is a story that needs to be wrapped in prayer. More than once we've all heard horror stories about foster homes and siblings being split up. I pray that these children are put in a loving home and given all of the love and compassion that they have been lacking. I pray these children are given a home with parents who have the necessary patience to guide these kids in their lives. Sometimes, it takes one person to make a difference in another life, and in this case there are two little lives waiting to be loved. I just pray that love is what they find!

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Boring, Sleepy Day!

Well today was a pajama day. It started out fine, got up early and... never got ready for anything. I stayed in my pajamas all day. Last night we stayed at my mother in law's house with the kiddos, so we've had a full house there this weekend. Evan had baseball pics this morning and then practice this afternoon, so other than that we've all been a bit lazy. I fell asleep around 2:30 and woke up around 5 p.m. Nice unexpected nap.

When the kids are here, they like to watch the Disney channel at night if we have time. We just had a little feud where Izzy and Evan couldn't agree on the words in a song. I had no idea what they were talking about when the song came on TV and we had the subtitles on to see who was right. The song, Meet My Mom by the New Boyz, was absolutely hilarious to me. Where in the world do people come up with the words for kids songs? You really need to have a LOT of a kid still in you, for sure. Here's the crazy song...

Meet My Mom by New Boyz

After I slept half the afternoon, I took a hot shower and now I'm back in a new clean pair of pajamas. Scott is already dozing off (He's been going full speed all day!) and I'm chilling out with Gran and the kiddos. We were going to play a game tonight, but that kind of fizzled out a little earlier. I'm going to cut this one short tonight! Have a fun Sunday and I hope you all go to church tomorrow!


Thursday, March 01, 2012

I'm About To Go CRAZY!

You know how I wrote about not having the internet at our new house? And if you look back you'll see that I haven't written an entry since then. That's because we still don't have the internet! A whole month with no internet connection. And I'm still alive. Barely.

At first, I was a little inconvenienced. Two weeks in with no internet, I was more than irritated. Now, one month disconnected from facebook and blogging life later, and I'm about to go crazy. The good news is that we can have high speed internet even though we live out in the boondocks. The bad news (or the slow part) is that the cable company had to come dig to put the cable underground, and because the Charter company is so backed up with orders, we had to wait until they had time to come dig. And they finally did come... yesterday.

So now we have to wait a few more days until the technician can come back and do the box and inside cable part. Grrr.... I feel like I'm living in another country! You don't realize how much we depend on Google and until we have no access to them.

On another note, I've been watching the first season of a previous HBO show- HEROES. If you're looking for something to keep your attention episode after episode, then you should watch the season one of HEROES disc set. Basically, to sum it up but not give it away, the show follows each person as they test and learn about their unique abilities as superheroes. The best part is the show uses everyday people with everyday lives to impose the powers. Can you imagine waking up tomorrow with the ability to read your spouse's thoughts? Or finding out that you have the ability to fly? Just about any power you can think of is covered in the show. You should definitely check it out! The best part: No Aliens.

HEROES Info Link

Have you ever watched a show marathon or bought the disc set and watched episode after episode in one day? If you have, after about four episodes did you start to "feel" like you were part of the show because the cast had been in your head for so long? After I watch the same show one after another and then I turn it off, it seems to stay in my head for hours. Well, after you watch a show about superheroes with extraordinary powers for hours, life suddenly seems boring when you turn the show off.  I half expect Scott to fly through the door when he comes in from work. If I could pick one super power to have, I guess I would choose to either be invisible or to hear people's thoughts. That would be so weird!

Due to our recent lack of cable television and no internet, I've had to resort to watching movies from our DVD collection, which is quite large might I add. Quite large until you spend a month watching them over and over. Now I've resorted to watching the bonus features and watching the movies with the director commentaries on.  If you've ever watched a commentary with the movie director, you'll realize that's where you learn all of the tips and tricks of how the movie was made: special effects, stunt doubles, what/where each scene was shot, bloopers, etc. I now can watch "The Pacifier" and point out which scenes use Vin Diesel and which scenes use his stunt double. Once it's pointed out, it seems so obvious and I wonder why I didn't notice it in the first place.

The commentary can be a BIG spoiler for any movie so you probably don't want to watch one for your favorite movies, because it doesn't seem quite so cool to know that the actor was sitting in a fake car in front of a green screen, not driving 104 MPH down a windy road in the middle of the night. On the other hand, I feel pretty smart when I can pause a movie a million times and point out all of the bloopers to Scott when we watch movies together. I'm sure he loves that. Ha.

Well I think that's enough for today. No big news to report, nothing new. Just taking it one day at a time, really. Still trying to adjust to living at a new place where I only know 3 people. I'm sure I'll meet new friends after we find a new church and get more settled. For the time being, unless I meet my new friends at CVS Pharmacy, Wal-Mart, or the local Mexican restaurant, my "New Friend Folder" will remain empty. :(

I'm still trying to raise money for my Multiple Sclerosis Fundraiser and trip to the Race to Erase MS Gala in May. I've got to donate at least $1000 to attend the gala, but the best part is that the money will all go toward research to find a cure for MS. Trust me, that is a really important cure that a LOT of people, myself included, are praying for. All of my jewelry sales are going to this effort, so please visit my facebook store page to check out my new jewelry today. The link to my shop is:

Make Up and Mud Boutique

Hope to hear from you soon. I have some beautiful pieces listed now. If you're looking for anything in particular, I can make it to suit whatever your tastes are. Just please be patient with me while I'm waiting on us to get the internet at our house. I have to use the internet at my mother-in-laws house right now, so I may take a few days to respond back to my messages and comments. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. I just don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring them! Talk to you soon!

Love Always,