Friday, July 22, 2011

My Own Secret Underground House

Ok, so for weeks, well months, I have been saying I was going to get my craft room in order. Scott and I have gone back and forth about who gets the desk, what room it goes in, who needs it more, yada yada yada. Well this past week he has generously let me raid his fly fishing stash of feathers. He ties his own fly fishing flies, and he keeps all of his materials, tools, feathers, an accessories in our closet in a huge blue tub. The picture below is an example of what one might look like. As you can see, you have to be prettu creative to master those tiny things... and actually make a fish want to bite one.

When I finished sifting through the little baggies of special bear hair and rare feathers, I looked around me and sighed at the huge mess I had managed to make in less than ten minutes. That was when I realized that I hardly ever see Scott tie any flies anymore. And I think I know why!

Who would want to lug all of those supplies out of the closet, sift through gazillions of materials, grip the special vise to a table, organize everything, spend time tying, clean up the tiny scraps, organize everything back into the tiny bottles, and then try to organize all of your stuff so you can lug it back into the closet? I wouldn't want to and quite frankly, lately Scott doesn't have the time to do that. Hence the reason the tub has dust on the top from being unopened in a while.

So that got me to thinking: Out of all those back and forth conversations about the desk, I had never offered to share my craft room with him, and most of all, he selflessly has never asked for even a tiny corner. He has been at his mom's for the past two days letting her see the kids and giving my kidney stones a chance to continue to be uncooperative, but they're coming home in about an hour.

I do feel a little better maybe because my pain mediation has kicked in, so I'm going to scramble to organize the room a little (Ok, well a LOT because it is atrocious), and hopefully I can surprise him when he gets home. He deserves a little surprise every now and then. I googled the fly tying vices until I found the model he has. Then I looked on youtube and found a video to teach me how to grip the vice to a table or desk. I practiced for a little while, looking like I was lost in some foreign place, but I have finally figured out how to install it. (I guess I can check Fly Tying Vice off of my "things to learn" list)

I just feel so guilty that I have been so selfish about having the entire room, and he never even mentioned his own craft. He is actually really good at tying those little creatures.

Let's hope can pull it off without ay backtalk from this kidney stone, and that my organizational skills ourweigh my ADD tendencies to stop and color when I find a random crayon. I'm not even kidding with you about that. And I'm the type of person that would color the entire book and not even realize that I hve wasted 6 hours doing absolutely nothing.

If I could design our perfect craft room in our perfect house, the problem would start there between us. We are so different in the way we function, and I have to say that I am the most abnormal. Have you ever heard about people who have agoraphobia? Paula Deen actually had it for 20 years! Well, I swear I'm a functioning agorophobic. Agoraphobia is the fear of leaving your house and it is actually kind of prevalent with people who have lesions on their brain as I do.

Well, I don't fear going outside necessarily. I CAN go outside my house, but I feel like I am in control of this whole MS deal when I am at home. I know I have everything I need and I know that there are rarely curveballs thrusts my way when I am in the comfort of my own home or in my yard. Therefore, I sometimes go weeks without leaving the house, and honestly, I'm comfortable with that.  It doesn't make for much of a socal life, though.

I  literally dread going somewhere and I can't tell you the last time I set foot in a grocery store. Scott agrees to get the groceries if he can choose what he buys. And that's fine with me as long as I don't have to go get them.  I didn't used to be like this, and I'm not quite sure when it happened. I guess when I left work, I became enabled to live like this.

Scott on the other hand goes stir crazy if he is home for more than a day or so. So, if I had the perfect craft room, it would be in a basement with no windows and a door that can close off the rest of the house to my chaos. I don't know why that sounds so comfortable to me, but I love the quiet peace that comes from nighttime and darkness. I joke with Scott that I wish we could have one of those underground houses with secret tunnels and secret rooms with secret compartments. He likes light and open spaces... not exactly a good mix for a joint office.

Click this link to check out the neatest underground TOWN... how cool is that?

See there are actually people who live underground, so I'm not the only wierdo in the world!

This next house is definitely my style!

And for all of those who know about my creepy fascination with funeral homes and morgue humor... check this out! It looks like a regular cemetery, but there is an entire house underneath that little shed! But then everyone would be like, "Let's go see her cemetery house." all the time, which would defeat the purpose of a secret house... sigh.

I am such a "Sit in the corner of the room" type or person. I like to be in my own little space. Scott says I burrow in the car and surround myself with stuff. I guess in a way I am a burrower. If that even is such a thing. Oh well, I guess the closest thing I'll ever have to an underground house will be a secret basement...


  1. Wow, an underground house? So creative! I've seen some tree houses online before, those were very unique as well. I might be a little creeped out visiting a cemetery house though!

  2. I think the tree houses are so creative, but I always imagine myself carrying fifty bags of groceries up to the treehouse, and I change my mind! ha! I think I'll just settle for a regular basement one day... I can't wait! Thanks for the comment!


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