Thursday, July 07, 2011

Decorating Daydreams.... Sigh...

I am absolutely so fed up with the clutter and chaos in our house. I moved to college, back home to my parent's house for three weeks, then moved to Deatsville for almost 4 years, then moved to an apartment in Montgomery for a year, and now we live in Tallassee. And this whole time, I have accumulated more junk than you can imagine.

Lately, I have been working to reduce the clutter in my house,because I read that the clutter in your house causes clutter in your life. So, I joined Clutterer's Anonymous. That's right, I'm addicted to clutter. Actually, I have that whole mentality, "I'm may be able to use this one day." or the famous, "I'm saving that, because I'm going to use it on a project one day." I hate to get rid of things, and I thought the clutter book was a joke when Scott brought it to me in the store. And while I indeed took offense to his less than subtle hint, I have to admit that almost everything it said was true.

So, I've been googling (while I procrastinated cleaning, of course) little ways to spruce up your home and reduce clutter. At first it was like two steps forward, three steps back. I have cleaning ADD. I get distracted by the smallest things, and I will truly get lost in my own world for hours and hours. I have no idea where my time goes sometimes. Well, as I've been slowly clearing out and cleaning up, I've found myself changing my outlook about the house. I shrieked, "SSScccccOOOOTTTT!!!!! Come here PLEASE!!!" the other day when I found his jogging shorts on the bathroom floor. And all I could do is point to them and say, "No! I don't think so!" He looked at me like I had lost my mind, and he was like, "Man, someone is changing their mind a little huh?" (The day before you probably couldn't see the floor because of all of my crap.) And it's not like the rest of the house was clean, because it was still a wreck. But, I had cleaned the bathroom, and I wanted to see my progress. And slowly but surely, progress is what I am making!

I decided that I couldn't pick up the house unless I clean out the house. With the new wedding gifts and his stuff moving in and mingling with my junk, we have a lot of things that need to be organized! But, I also realized that our decorations are... nonexistent. So, I've also been redoing different items to give us a new look with a frugal approach. A nonexistent money approach actually. I'll post some pictures soon! Before and after...

For now, I'm going to pretend that our house is spotless, and I'm going to take you on a virtual tour of our imaginary home. My dream home. My motivation. Oh, and of course I threw in a few pictures of my dream cars... OLD HEARSES. I have wanted one since I was little... Here we go.....

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