Saturday, March 03, 2012

Boring, Sleepy Day!

Well today was a pajama day. It started out fine, got up early and... never got ready for anything. I stayed in my pajamas all day. Last night we stayed at my mother in law's house with the kiddos, so we've had a full house there this weekend. Evan had baseball pics this morning and then practice this afternoon, so other than that we've all been a bit lazy. I fell asleep around 2:30 and woke up around 5 p.m. Nice unexpected nap.

When the kids are here, they like to watch the Disney channel at night if we have time. We just had a little feud where Izzy and Evan couldn't agree on the words in a song. I had no idea what they were talking about when the song came on TV and we had the subtitles on to see who was right. The song, Meet My Mom by the New Boyz, was absolutely hilarious to me. Where in the world do people come up with the words for kids songs? You really need to have a LOT of a kid still in you, for sure. Here's the crazy song...

Meet My Mom by New Boyz

After I slept half the afternoon, I took a hot shower and now I'm back in a new clean pair of pajamas. Scott is already dozing off (He's been going full speed all day!) and I'm chilling out with Gran and the kiddos. We were going to play a game tonight, but that kind of fizzled out a little earlier. I'm going to cut this one short tonight! Have a fun Sunday and I hope you all go to church tomorrow!


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